September 2016 |
August 2016 |
Change month % |
September 2015 |
Change year % |
No. transactions** per day | 78,400* | 81,800 | -4 | 53,500 | 47 |
Savings capital, SEKm | 222,900 | 218,700 | 2 | 170,700 | 31 |
Lending, SEKm | 7,520* | 7,160 | 5 | 5,880 | 28 |
of which Mortgage loans, SEKm | 3,600* | 3,410 | 6 | 2,480 | 45 |
Deposits, SEKm | 34,500* | 35,200 | -2 | 31,500 | 10 |
No. customers | 541,300 | 532,400 | 2 | 443,900 | 22 |
No. accounts | 994,700 | 978,500 | 2 | 805,800 | 23 |
Net inflow, SEKm | 2,270* | 2,110 | 8 | 880 | 158 |
* Preliminary figures.
** Buying and selling transactions carried out in Nasdaq Stockholm and First North. Statistics from Nasdaq.