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Avanza Bank Holding |
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Avanza publishes the Annual and Sustainability Report for 2024

 · Regulatorisk information

As of today, the Annual and Sustainability Report for Avanza Bank Holding AB (publ) for 2024 is available on

In 2024, Avanza added 170,700 new customers and the net inflow amounted to SEK 86 billion, which according to the latest data from the Savings Barometer means a market share of 20 per cent of the year’s net inflow to the Swedish savings market. This compares to Avanza’s total share of savings capital on the market of 7.8 per cent as of 31 December 2024.

“2024 was a fantastic year for Avanza with strong growth. The net inflow of SEK 86 billion was the second highest amount ever. That customers are choosing us for their savings is the result of our customer focus and rapid innovation. At Avanza, we are driven by making savings and investments enjoyable and uncomplicated – always with the customer’s best interests in mind. This is also critical going forward as we execute on our strategy and to reach the ambitious targets we have set for 2030,” says Gustaf Unger, CEO of Avanza.

Avanza’s most important target is to have Sweden’s most satisfied savings customers every year according to the Swedish Quality Index survey. In 2024, Avanza won the award for the 15th consecutive year while increasing its lead in the industry and ranking highest in every category.

For more information on our product launches during the year, visit (in Swedish).

The Annual Report for 2024 can be found at

For further information please contact:
Sofia Svavar, Chief Communications & IR Officer
+46 8 409 420 17

Avanza is a digital platform for savings and investments, founded in 1999. The Parent Company, Avanza Bank Holding AB (publ), is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Avanza’s customer promise is that you as a customer will have more left in your own pocket than with any other bank or pension company. Services include savings in shares, funds and savings accounts as well as mortgages and a strong pension offering. Avanza has over 2 million customers with over SEK 1,000 billion in total savings capital. This is equivalent to 7.8 per cent of the Swedish savings market. Avanza is the largest Swedish bank in terms of number of transactions on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. For the last 15 years, Avanza has won SKI’s (Swedish Quality Index) award for “Year’s Most Satisfied Savings Customers”. For more information visit: