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Avanza Bank Holding |
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Board of directors' work in 2022

During the year, the Board held a total of 30 meetings, including 12 regular meetings, 1 inagural meeting, 11 extra and 6 by telephone/mail. Board meetings by telephone/mail mainly addressed decisions relating to Avanza’s incentive scheme.


Board meetings

Risk, Capial and

Audit Committee



IT Committee



Sven Hagströmer, Chairman29/308/103/8**9/9
Magnus Dybeck30/30  8/8 
Catharina Eklöf26/30 10/10  
Jonas Hagströmer30/3010/10 4/8*** 
John Hedberg*26/30* 6/10**  
Linda Hellström30/30    
Johan Roos30/3010/1010/10 9/9
Sofia Sundström30/30  4/8** 
Hans Toll30/3010/10  9/9
Leemon Wu28/30   
*Joined the Board at the AGM 2023, **Appointed a member of the committee at inagural Board meeting on 31 March 2023, ***Was member of the committee up until inagural Board meeting on 31 March 2023, ****The committee is only for Avanza Bank AB

At scheduled meetings, the following are discussed:

  • financial reporting
  • operational reporting
  • reporting by the Board’s committees
  • credit reporting for the subsidiary Avanza Bank

The control functions, Risk Management, Internal Audit and Compliance, report quarterly.

In addition to the recurring items on the agenda, the Board addressed during the year the matters in the illustration below. The Board also focused on the Group’s implementation of and alignment with new and amended regulation affecting various parts of its operations. Furtermore, the Board worked on recruiting a new CEO during the year. 

The Board also worked on and participated in strategic business planning in order to continuously adapt and improve Avanza’s customer offering and ensuring further growth.

At the end of each calendar year, an evaluation is undertaken to improve the Board’s work procedures and competence. The results are communicated to the Nomination Committee and compiled in a report, which then forms the basis for any changes or training.