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Avanza Bank Holding |
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Avanza Bank Holding |
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June: Monthly statistics

The number of customers at Avanza has during 2016 increased by 49,200 and amounted to 516,900 in June. Net inflow in June was SEK 2,580m*, and the total net inflow in 2016 was consequently SEK 14,400m*. The inflow from Remium during April - June amounts to SEK 2.2 billion, no additional inflow is expected.
Monthly statistics – June 
Change one month Change one year June
No. transactions** per day  18 % 62 %  86,900* 73,600 53,800
Savings capital, SEKm –2 % 17 %  199,200  203,700  170,000
Lending, SEKm –1 % 15 %  6,620* 6,680 5,750
of which Mortgage loans, SEKm 1 % 28 % 3,020* 2,990 2,360
Deposits, SEKm 4 % 11 % 34,900* 33,700 31,500
No. customers 2 % 22 %  516,900  509,000  423,500
No. accounts 2 % 24 %  950,200  932,700  768,600
Net inflow, SEKm –32 % 105 % 2,580* 3,800 1,260

*   Preliminary figures.

** Buying and selling transactions carried out in Nasdaq Stockholm and First North. Statistics from Nasdaq.