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Avanza Bank Holding |
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Avanza Bank Holding |
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March: Monthly statistics

The number of customers at Avanza has increased by 26,100* in 2016 and amounted to 493,800* as per 31 March 2016. The number of accounts was 903,500*. Net inflow in March was SEK 970m*, and the total net inflow in 2016 was consequently SEK 4,960m*. Last year the net inflow was strong as a result of a rising stock market. During the first quarter in 2016 concerns on the stock market contributed to a decreasing net inflow, mainly from existing customers, compared to the same period last year. The uncertainty on the stock market had a negative impact on the trading activity compared with previous quarter, but the activity increased compared with the first quarter in 2015.

Monthly statistics – March
Change one month Change one year March
No. transactions** per day –18 % 26 % 62,900 76,800 49,900
Change one month Change one year 31 March 2016* 29 February
31 March
Savings capital, SEKm 2 % 12 % 188,900 184,500 168,200
Lending, SEKm 3 % 15 % 6,690 6,490 5,820
of which Mortgage loans, SEKm 2 % 26 % 2,890 2,840 2,290
Deposits, SEKm 3 % 24 % 32,500 32,600 26,200
No. customers 2 % 23 % 493,800 486,300 403,000
No. accounts 2 % 24 % 903,500 886,600 726,200
Net inflow, SEKm –44 % –66 % 970 1,740 2,820

* Preliminary figures.

** Buying and selling transactions carried out in Nasdaq Stockholm and First North. Statistics from Nasdaq.

From March 2016 the resolution fee, that is the former stability fee, and the deposit guarantee fee are reported as interest expenses and thus transferred from other operating expenses to net interest income. Historical figures on the website have been adjusted.