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Avanza Bank Holding |
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Avanza Bank Holding |
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January: Monthly statistics

As per January 31 2015, the number of customers at Avanza amounted to 381,800, an increase of 10,600 since the beginning of 2015. The number of accounts amounted to 681,500. Preliminary net inflow in January was SEK 3,430 m.
Monthly statistics – January
Change one month Change one year January 2015 December
January 2014
No. transactions* per day 28 % 53 % 50,200** 39,100 32,800
Change one month Change one year 31 January 2015 31 December
31 January
Savings capital, SEK m 7 % 33 % 151,700 141,900 113,800
Lending, SEK m 3 % 53 % 5,510** 5,350 3,590
of which Mortgage loans, SEK m 5 % 685 % 2,120** 2,010 270
Deposits, SEK m 2 % 32 % 23,000** 22,600 17,400
No. customers 3 % 18 % 381,800 371,200 322,500
No. accounts 4 % 22 % 681,500 658,300 556,500
January 2015 December
January 2014
Net inflow, SEK m 57 % 52 % 3,430** 2,190 2,250

* Buying and selling transactions carried out in Nasdaq Stockholm and First North. Statistics from Nasdaq.

** Preliminary figures.