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Avanza Bank Holding |
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Avanza Bank Holding |
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May: Monthly statistics

The number of customers at Avanza has during 2016 increased by 41,300 and amounted to 509,000 in May. Net inflow in May was SEK 3,800m*, and the total net inflow in 2016 was consequently SEK 11,800m*. The savings capital passed SEK 200 billion. Of the expected inflow from Remium of SEK 2.5 billion, SEK 1.9 billion have been transferred up to the end of May. The remaining part is expected to be transferred in June.
Monthly statistics – May 
Change one month Change one year May
No. transactions** per day  –2 % 29 % 72,300* 74,100 56,100
Savings capital, SEKm 5 % 16 % 203,700 193,200 176,200
Lending, SEKm –1 % 19 % 6,680* 6,730 5,630
of which Mortgage loans, SEKm 2 % 29 % 2,990* 2,940 2,320
Deposits, SEKm 4 % 15 % 33,700* 32,500 29,200
No. customers 2 % 22 % 509,000 500,200 416,900
No. accounts 2 % 24 % 932,700 917,000 754,500
Net inflow, SEKm 25 % 228 % 3,800* 3,050 1,160

* Preliminary figures.

** Buying and selling transactions carried out in Nasdaq Stockholm and First North. Statistics from Nasdaq.