Henrik Tjärnström has notified that he is withdrawing his candidacy as Board Member in Avanza due to changed circumstances. Due to this, the Nomination Committee’s proposal is to re-elect Magnus Dybeck, Jonas Hagströmer, Sven Hagströmer, John Hedberg, Linda Hellström, Johan Roos and Leemon Wu, and to elect Julia Haglind and Lisa Åberg as new members. An updated document of the Nomination Committee’s work and explanatory statement and proposals will be available shortly on on avanza.se/ir.
”Henrik has been offered another position that, in combination with his other plans, makes it difficult to take on the time consuming Board membership in Avanza. Being a Board member of a bank has a higher workload than other board assignments, and there are also regulatory requirements that a member must have enough time to set aside for the membership. Although we are convinced that Henrik would have been a valuable asset to Avanza’s Board of Directors, we do respect his decision to withdraw the candidacy. If Henrik’s plans change in the future, so that there is enough time for Avanza, we will pick up the dialogue then”, says Erik Törnberg, Chariman of the Nomination Committee.
”I have been offered to candidate as a new Board Member of Creaspac, which I have decided to accept as I feel that the company’s future plans fit well with my expertise. Combined with my other plans, there is a risk that I will not be able to live up to the requirements to set aside enough time as a member of the Board of Directors of a bank, which is why I have now decided to withdraw my candidacy as a Board member of Avanza”, says Henrik Tjärnström.
For further information, please contact:
Erik Törnberg, Chairman of the Nomination Committee +46 704 62 45 01
Avanza is a digital platform for savings and investments, founded in 1999. The Parent Company, Avanza Bank Holding AB (publ), is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Avanza’s customer promise is that you as a customer will have more left in your own pockets than with any other bank or pension company. Services include saving in shares, funds, savings accounts, mortgages, and a strong pension offering. Avanza has over 1.9 million customers with over SEK 800 billion in total savings capital. This is equivalent to 7.1 per cent of the Swedish savings market. Avanza is largest in terms of number of transactions among Swedish banks on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. During the last 14 years Avanza has won SKI’s (Swedish Quality Index) award, “Year’s Most Satisfied Savings Customers”. For more information visit: avanza.se/ir